1111人力銀行幫您找庫奧尼旅行社股份有限公司 - Sales Manager業務經理1111人力銀行除了提供求職、找工作、求才以及網路行銷的服務之外,還提供履歷健檢、職能測驗、薪資情報等最新消息,讓您在找工作之前先了解市場,也了解自己
我們貼心為求職者找庫奧尼旅行社股份有限公司 - Sales Manager業務經理時
1111人力銀行幫您找庫奧尼旅行社股份有限公司 - Sales Manager業務經理、找職缺,找本日最新工作機會!
庫奧尼旅行社股份有限公司 - Sales Manager業務經理
- 工作說明:
- ?Sales strategy and planning: Links corporate strategy & goals to daily business activity. Analyses the business & assesses business challenges and opportunities. Defines strategic priorities to deliver market growth and competitive advantage. Builds business plans to achieve targets. Manages all stages of the sales pipeline. Utilises resources effectively.
?Sales leadership: Demonstrates team leadership. Outlines sales vision for sales area & team. Communicates strategic priorities to generate understanding and commitment. Adopts positive & professional attitude and appearance at all times. Organizes and leads regular internal sales meetings and attends and participates in management meetings.
?Sales coaching & managing performance: Primary coaching responsibility for own direct reports, in line with SalesMAP principles. Defines team and individual goals and targets. Builds sales capability within the team, profiles individuals to develop skills and attitude. Runs effective sales team meetings. Identifies performance gaps and provides effective feedback to develop performance.
?Business development: develops own sets of clients with individual budget target.
?Responsible for DSO (daily sales outstanding) for own team or assigned accounts.
?Responsible for assigned market and client development; sales revenue and profit target; staff development
?Ensures business transactions are in accordance with the company policies
?Project work as per individual assignment - 工作地點:
- 台北市中山區 長春路176號6樓
- 工作時間:
- 日班說明:9:00-18:00
- 休假制度:
- 週休二日
- 是否出差:
- 需出差
- 工作性質:
- 全職
- 職務類別:
- 國內業務主管、國外業務主管、專案業務主管
- 工作待遇:
- 面議
- 需求人數:
- 1 人
- 管理人數:
- 未定
- 到職日期:
- 不限
- 職缺更新:
- 2015/12/26
- 身份類別:
- 不拘
- 學歷限制:
- 專科 以上
- 科系限制:
- 不拘
- 工作經驗:
- 不拘
- 語言能力:
- 英文 聽:精通 說:精通 讀:精通 寫:精通
- 方言能力:
- 台語-普通
- 電腦專長:
辦公室應用 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 作業系統 AS400 - 附加條件:
- ?Excellent communication, negotiation & presentation skills in English
- ?Strong leadership and coaching skills
- ?Performance oriented
- ?Planning and organisation skills
- ?Demonstrate ability for strategic thinking
- ?Highly motivated and a good team player
- ?Computer literate with Microsoft Office applications
- ◎ 有B2B經驗者尤佳。
- ◎ 請提供英文履歷。
庫奧尼旅行社股份有限公司 - Sales Manager業務經理

- 寶雅國際股份有限公司 - 中區儲備店長(彰化縣市全區)
- 錦花坊花藝設計工作室 - 花藝助理
- 優力華人力資源管理顧問有限公司 - Finance manager
- 1111人力銀行求才-全家便利商店股份有限公司-總公司 (全家) - 全家便利商店直營店-門市人員、專職大夜(基隆-汐止區)
- 震旦電信股份有限公司(震旦通訊-總公司) - 門市人員(台北市中正區)
- 住商不動產(加盟店聯合徵才) (高屏澎區) - 挑戰高薪業務員(高專)
- 愛麗康診所.國際雷射中心 - 美容咨詢師(薪資25000~60000元)
- 1111人力銀行求才-和碩聯合科技股份有限公司 - 電腦硬體助理工程師_4841